Vata Nourishing Vegetables Sweet, moist, and cooked vegetables pacify Vata dosha best. *Root vegetables are especially beneficial for grounding and stabilizing in the colder months. Vegetables to add or include: Asparagus Avocado Beets Carrots, Cooked Chilies (in very small quantities) Cilantro Cucumber Garlic Green Beans Green Chilies Leeks Mustard Greens Okra Olives (black) Onion, Cooked…
Tag: vegetables
Vegetables to Nourish Pitta Dosha
Vegetables For Pitta Dosha To balance Pitta fire, try to reduce or avoid particularly spicy, heating, sharp, or sour tastes. Raw veggies are usually easier to digest than it is for Vata and Kapha. Vegetables to Add or Include Avocado Artichoke Asparagus Beets (cooked) Bell Peppers Bitter Melon Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Burdock Root Cabbage Carrots…
Vegetables To Nourish Kapha Dosha
Vegetables To Nourish Kapha Dosha Pitta typically digests raw vegetables better than Vata and Kapha dosha, but they should be consumed around midday when digestive strength is at its peak. It is smart for pitta dosha trypes to try to reduce or avoid particularly spicy, sharp, and sour tastes. Vegetables to Add or Include Avocado…