Vata Nourishing Grains The grains that pacify Vata dosha are generally sweet and nourishing. They are also easily digested, and well cooked. Grains to Add or Include Amaranth Durham Flour Oats, Cooked Pancakes Quinoa Rice (all types) Seitan Sprouted Wheat Bread Wheat Grains to Limit or Avoid Barley Buckwheat Cereals (cold, dry, or puffed) Corn…
Tag: grains
Grains to Nourish Pitta Dosha
Nourish and Balance Pitta Dosha With These Grains The grains that pacify Pitta dosha will be cooling, sweet, dry, and grounding. Foods to Limit or Avoid Buckwheat Corn Millet Muesli Polenta Rice (brown) Rye Yeasted Bread Foods to Add or Include Amaranth Barley Cereal (dry) Couscous Crackers Durham Flour Granola Oat Bran Oats Pancakes Pasta…
Grains To Nourish Kapha Dosha
Grains to Nourish Kapha Dosha For Kapha dosha balancing, grains that are exceptionally heavy, moist, or dense (like wheat, flour, bread, cooked oats, and pasta) should be avoided as much as possible. Grains to Add/Include Amaranth Barley Buckwheat Cereal (unsweetened, cold, dry) Corn Couscous Crackers Durham Flour Granola Millet Muesli Oat Bran Oats (dry) Polenta…