Vata Nourishing Dairy Try avoiding highly processed dairy preparations (like powdered milk) and cold dairy products. Dairy to Add or Include Butter Buttermilk Cheese Cottage Cheese Cow’s milk/Goat’s Milk Ghee Ice Cream (in moderation) Sour Cream (in moderation) Yogurt (fresh) Dairy to Limit or Avoid Frozen Yogurt Powdered Milk
Tag: dairy
Dairy to Nourish Pitta Dosha
Pitta Pacifying Dairy Dairy products tend to be grounding, nourishing, and cooling, helping to balance pitta dosha. Foods to Add or Include
Dairy To Nourish Kapha Dosha
Dairy To Nourish Kapha Dosha Goat’s milk, Rice milk, Almond milk, and Oat milk can all be nourishing for Kapha dosha types. However, because dairy products tend to be heavy and can increase mucus production, it’s best to minimize dairy products when Kapha energy is elevated.. Dairy to Add or Include Buttermilk Cottage Cheese (ideally…