Discover Your Dosha With This Free Quiz

Discovering Your Unique Dosha Type

According to Ayurveda (and the basis of Ayurvedic Nutrition), balance is everything! And, understanding your unique elemental composition, or dosha, is a valuable first step in your journey with this ancient form of self-care.

In Ayurvedic nutrition, the personal approach to cooking, eating, and wellness practices depends on where one would fall within three trait types, or doshas, in order to live a healthier more balanced life.

Vata | Pitta | Kapha

Knowing your predominant dosha helps you make concious daily choices for health, vitality, and longevity.

Your Unique Dosha Type

Results from the free dosha quiz below will help determine which foods, herbs, and lifestyle suggestions would serve best to help you balance your unique composition, leading to a healthier, happier version of you.

Free Dosha Quiz

Discover Your Dosha

Learn How to Eat And Manage Lifestyle Choices According to Ayurveda

When you take this online quiz, it will guide you through a process of self-discovery and honest reflection through the lens of Ayurveda. It's the first step to receiving a set of personalized recommendations for diet and lifestyle designed to support you in your journey toward optimal health and well-being.

Expand on Your Results

Book a free 30-min wellness and nutrition consultation to discuss and expand on your quiz results.

Following the initial consultation, I offer clients customized guidance in ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle practices.

These sessions take place over a series of private or small group settings, to help each individual achieve their personal goals!

We conveniently check in and meet on Zoom!

Learn More About The Doshas

In a sense, the doshas can be viewed as ‘health types’. They specify how certain people should eat, sleep, and exercise in order to maintain health and inner balance. Learn more about the doshas here…