Vata Nourishing Sweeteners Most sweeteners are good for Vata, especially ones in their natural state. However, it’s best to avoid large quantities of refined sugar. Sweeteners to Add or Include Barley Malt Date Sugar Fructose Fruit Juice Concentrates Honey (raw) Jaggary Maple Syrup (in moderation) Molasses Rice Syrup Sucanat Turbinado Sweeteners to Limit or Avoid…
Category: Vata Recipes
Spices to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Spices Most commonly used spices work well with vata, unless your dishes are fiery hot, to begin with. Spices to Add or Include Ajwan Allspice Anise Basil Bay Leaf Black Pepper Caraway Cardamom Cinnamon Cloves Coriander (seeds or powder) Cumin (seeds or powder) Dill Fennel Garlic Ginger (fresh or dried) Hing (Asafoetida) Mace Marjoram Mint Mustard Seeds Nutmeg…
Oils to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Oils Most oils are beneficial for Vata dosha, but they should be high-quality organic oils. Oils to Add or Include Almond Oil Avocado Oil Castor Oil Coconut Oil Ghee Mustard Oil Olive Oil Peanut Oil Safflower Oil Sesame Oil Sunflower Oil) Oils to Limit or Avoid Canola Oil Corn Oil Flax Seed Oil…
Meats and Eggs to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Meats/Eggs This dosha can be easily pacified without animal foods, however, Vata does well with eggs and a variety of different meats. Meats/Eggs to Add or Include Beef Buffalo Chicken (especially dark) Duck Eggs Fish (fresh and saltwater) Salmon Sardines Seafood Shrimp Tuna Fish Turkey (dark) Meats/Eggs to Limit or Avoid Lamb Mutton…
Nuts and Seeds to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Nuts and Seeds A variety of seeds and nuts are pacifying to Vata dosha as long as they are used in moderation. Nuts and Seeds to Add or Include Almonds Brazil Nuts Cashews Coconut Hazelnuts Macadamia Nuts Peanuts Pecans Pine Nuts Pistachios Pumpkin Seeds Sesame Seeds Sunflower Seeds Walnuts Nuts and Seeds to…
Dairy to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Dairy Try avoiding highly processed dairy preparations (like powdered milk) and cold dairy products. Dairy to Add or Include Butter Buttermilk Cheese Cottage Cheese Cow’s milk/Goat’s Milk Ghee Ice Cream (in moderation) Sour Cream (in moderation) Yogurt (fresh) Dairy to Limit or Avoid Frozen Yogurt Powdered Milk
Legumes to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Legumes The beans/legumes that work best for Vata dosha tend to cook relatively quickly and are easily digested. Legumes to Add or Include Lentils, Red Miso Mung Beans Mung Dal, Split Soy Cheese Soy Milk (served warm) Soy Sauce Soy Meats Tofu (served hot) Toor Dal Urad Dal Legumes to Limit or Avoid…
Grains to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Grains The grains that pacify Vata dosha are generally sweet and nourishing. They are also easily digested, and well cooked. Grains to Add or Include Amaranth Durham Flour Oats, Cooked Pancakes Quinoa Rice (all types) Seitan Sprouted Wheat Bread Wheat Grains to Limit or Avoid Barley Buckwheat Cereals (cold, dry, or puffed) Corn…
Vegetables to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Vegetables Sweet, moist, and cooked vegetables pacify Vata dosha best. *Root vegetables are especially beneficial for grounding and stabilizing in the colder months. Vegetables to add or include: Asparagus Avocado Beets Carrots, Cooked Chilies (in very small quantities) Cilantro Cucumber Garlic Green Beans Green Chilies Leeks Mustard Greens Okra Olives (black) Onion, Cooked…
Fruits to Nourish Vata Dosha
Vata Nourishing Fruits The fruits that pacify Vata dosha are usually sweet and nourishing. Cooked or stewed fruits are the easiest to digest. Fruits to Add or Include Apples (cooked) Applesauce ApricotsBananas (ripe, not green) Berries Cantaloupe Cherries Coconut Dates (fresh, cooked, or soaked) Figs (fresh, cooked, or soaked) Grapefruit Grapes Kiwi Lemon Lime Mango…