Fruits To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Fruits To Nourish Kapha Dosha The fruits that pacify Kapha dosha are somewhat astringent and lightly sweet. When Kapha is out of balance, sweet or sour fruits, and any that are especially heavy, dense, or watery should be avoided. Fruits to Add/Include Apples Applesauce Apricots Berries Cherries Cranberries Figs (dry) Grapes (red, purple, black) Lemons…

Sweeteners To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Sweeteners To Nourish Kapha Dosha Although any foods and drinks that contain refined sugars or corn syrup can be especially detrimental and should be avoided as much as possible. *Sweeteners are better avoided when trying to pacify Kapha dosha. The one exception is honey, which can serve well when used in small quantities. Sweeteners to…

Meats and Eggs To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Meats To Nourish Kapha Dosha Eating less meat all around is generally beneficial for Kapha dosha, but it does best with light and somewhat dry animal foods (like chicken or freshwater fish). Meats to Add or Include: Chicken (white) Eggs (not fried, and in moderation) Fish (freshwater) Shrimp Turkey (white) Venison Meats to Limit or…

Dairy To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Dairy To Nourish Kapha Dosha Goat’s milk, Rice milk, Almond milk, and Oat milk can all be nourishing for Kapha dosha types. However, because dairy products tend to be heavy and can increase mucus production, it’s best to minimize dairy products when Kapha energy is elevated.. Dairy to Add or Include Buttermilk Cottage Cheese (ideally…

Spices To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Spices To Nourish Kapha Dosha Kapha dosha can usually handle spicey foods without suffering too much from digestive problems. Exploring a variety of mild spices will help to strengthen the digestive fire and can support a healthy metabolism. Spices To Add or Include: Ajwan Allspice Anise Basil Bay Leaf Black Pepper Caraway Cardamom Cayenne Cinnamon…

Homemade Hemp Milk

Hemp milk can be a delicious dairy alternative for a sensitive tummy!

Journey Through The Chakras

Enjoy this journey through the chakras to begin to understand the energies that support and expand our human experience.

How To Make Homemade Almond Milk

Homemade Almond Milk Homemade almond milk can be a tridoshic base for many recipes to use as a substitute for milk in many recipes. Just to be sure, this recipe will cover options for all dosha types. Before you begin, prepare ahead by adding filtered water to 1 cup of almonds (just enough water to cover…

It’s All About The Dosha

What Are The Doshas? Learn about the combination of energies that are responsible for a person’s physiological, mental, and emotional health.