Nourish and Balance Pitta Dosha With These Grains
The grains that pacify Pitta dosha will be cooling, sweet, dry, and grounding.

Foods to Limit or Avoid
- Buckwheat
- Corn
- Millet
- Muesli
- Polenta
- Rice (brown)
- Rye
- Yeasted Bread
Foods to Add or Include
- Amaranth
- Barley
- Cereal (dry)
- Couscous
- Crackers
- Durham Flour
- Granola
- Oat Bran
- Oats
- Pancakes
- Pasta
- Quinoa
- Rice (basmati, white, wild)
- Rice Cakes
- Seitan
- Spelt
- Sprouted Wheat Bread
- Tapioca
- Wheat
- Wheat Bran